
Coquitlam treats stormwater as a resource and believes everybody has a part to play in good watershed management. The City has developed Integrated Watershed Management Plans, Rainwater Management Requirements and the Building Better program to support responsible development and healthy watersheds. With a few small changes to “slow, sink and spread” rainwater, property owners can help steward the natural and limited resources that our environment provides us with too.

How did our water get so out of balance?

Over time, people have settled and been supported by the majesty of our area’s bountiful rivers and streams. As Coquitlam has developed communities and created jobs, we have also altered the watersheds that have supported us by:

  • Removing natural absorptive landscapes and stream features which slow water down
  • Constructing hard surfaces and pipes which speed water up

While nature is incredibly resilient, we cannot continue to upset the water balance without impacting nature’s ability to provide us with FREE green infrastructure services.